Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long should I place the order prior to the pick-up date?
    In general the order should be placed with the transaction at least three days before the pick-up date, while depending on our workload. On special occasions this would be changed with notice.
  • Can I make changes to the order after I made my purchase?
    We understand that plan changes. If you wish to make any changes to the order, please let us know as soon as possible, we'd do our best to accommodate.
    我們明白生活總會有些意料之外,如付款確認後遇任何更改,請盡快跟我們聯絡。 期望我們盡量在各方面配合客人的同時,客人也會給予我們體諒和理解。
  • Do you have any whole cake available for on-day purchase?
    Our cakes are made daily and by order to minimize food waste and maintain the quality. While that being said, we would occasionally have a few extra whole cakes for sale which we'd announce on our instagram story. Follow us on Instagram for the latest information!
    作為一所蛋糕店,我們希望提供預訂蛋糕,也盡量有現成蛋糕給予客人選擇,畢竟喜歡吃蛋糕的我們也深明吃蛋糕很多時是心血來潮的,但由於人手所限,也避免囤積錯過最佳食用期限的蛋糕以致浪費,我們間中有現成蛋糕於當天售賣,也常備少量保鮮期較長的蛋糕,像比較即時性的資訊主要以會在Instagram story發布,敬請追蹤我們的instagram留意最新動態!
  • Do you have cake delivery service?
    Yes. If you wish your cake to be delivered, please select “delivery” when you make the purchase, and provide the address and time of the delivery. On the day, we’d deliver your product via Call4Van, the driver would contact you for the delivery. Please kindly note that the delivery DO NOT offer door-to-door service, we DO NOT warrant or accept any refund for any damages caused in the process. If you mean to use your own delivery service, do inform us in advance. Shipping details
    請在付款時選取送貨,並填寫送貨資料如地址、到貨時間等,請再三確定資料無誤才付款。我們會在當天安排速遞前先跟您聯絡,然後把您的聯絡方法給司機,司機會送貨到地址樓下,不設送上門,請加多留意電話聯絡。我們預設以Call4Van 送貨,您亦可以自行安排速遞公司來店取貨,只需稍早通知我們即可。但若貨品在送貨的過程中有任何損毀,我店恕不負責或退款,敬請留意喔。送貨詳情
  • Can I order with a special request?
    Yes, we do offer bespoke cake service for the customers' special occasions, e.g. wedding cake, tea party mini cakes etc. or any special dietary request, e,g, vegan, sugar substitute, allergy etc. Please contact us via instagram message at least two weeks in advance for any special request, note that an extra charge would be applied.
    我們有特別訂造蛋糕,如婚禮蛋糕、純素蛋糕、代糖蛋糕等等,但由於是特別訂造,將會有附加費,請預留最少兩星期的時間和我們聯絡喔。而礙於餅房每天也會處理不同的食材,因此我們無法完全避免可致敏源,而每款蛋糕亦可能會有secret ingredients,所以有食物敏感的客人敬請留意。
  • Is my order still valid under adverse weather conditions?
    If No. 8 Gale or storm signal, or black rainstorm warning signal is announced before service hours, we would contact you via instagram messaging or phone as soon as possible for changing the pick-up date. If the signal is announced during service hour, self pick-up service would still be available while delivery service is inaccessible. If you are unable to attend on the day, please inform us so we can arrange pick-up service the next day.
    如在營業時間之前懸掛八號或以上烈風或暴風信號、黑色暴雨警告,我們將會盡快以instagram messsage或電話聯絡您以便更改取貨日子;如在營業時間期間懸掛有關信號我們仍然提供交收服務,但call車送貨將會暫停,直至正常關門時間前如有關信號仍然生效,客人可在第二天取貨,但我們恕不接受取消訂單或退款要求。